May 19, 2023Liked by The Covid Physician

Of course it’s a long planned conspiracy to seize digital totalitarian control. Digital ID + cashless CBDC.

Once in place - and who’s going to stop them? - you’re either in the matrix & you’ll do whatever you’re told or you’ll be outside the matrix with no access to your money or any services.

I’m going to decline digital ID even though it’ll mean no access to my hard earned.

It’ll mean The End soon enoigh. But I’m not climbing into the human slaughterhouse.

All these mRNA “vaccine” factories being built, are nothing but immunological poisons.

You can’t express non-self proteins without triggering autoimmune attack.

Tell everyone.

Here’s my speech last weekend.

Best wishes



Ps: climate change is another fraud by the same loose stakeholders. Go to 15min


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Hi Mike, very honoured to have your learned commentary here. If it’s censored, it wasn’t me! 🙏🏼

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May 19, 2023Liked by The Covid Physician

Re. the Corbett Report. Excellent explanation of the relationship between CO2 and increase in temperature. It seems that warming triggers the increase in CO2, rather than the other way round!

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023Liked by The Covid Physician

Yes and we had the greatest grand solar maximum for 5,000 years in the 1800s which has caused increasing temperatures over the 1900s at the same time as an exponential increase in human CO2 emissions on which the warming has been blamed but in reality has had zero effect. This is a lie perpetuated to take complete control of humanity by taxing the carbon cycle on which we depend for our survival. There is no more thorough way to control every individual on earth than by perpetuating CO2 climate change hoax and everyone should also be aware that present CO2 levels of 420ppm are historically VERY low and that human CO2 emissions only account for about 3% of total global emissions (Regardless of the fact that the warming effect of CO2 is at best dubious).

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May 19, 2023Liked by The Covid Physician

The warmer oceans can dissolve less CO2 than can colder water.

It may seem paradoxical that warmer dissolves less gas but it’s very well established.

As it warms by solar output changes, it releases CO2, but only after a delay, which occurs because the thermal inertia of enormous tonnage of ocean is very large.

There’s not the slightest truth the BS the political idiots spout about CO2.

It’s plant fertilizer.

We’ve definitely got a greener world over the last 60 years. More food requiring less water is a fact, too.

Almost as if gentle elevation of CO2 from near plant death levels wax a good thing 🤗

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We cannot talk about climate change when our skies are fumigated every day, causing the atmosphere to heat up. In that case, we must talk about Climate Manipulation. They are the ones who are intentionally warming the planet but they blame you. And what I am saying is officially recognized in all countries, like mine, with a Government Decree authorizing the use of geoengineering to modify the climate. There are still many people who continue to watch TV.

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May 19, 2023Liked by The Covid Physician

Round about the same time that cough medicine was identified as a public enemy in the UK, supplies of paracetamol also disappeared from the shelves of chemists and most supermarkets but ibuprofen was readily available. This lasted about 4 - 6 weeks. Supply shortage or something else - like access to ivermectin being suddenly removed from early 2020 - although paracetamol was reinstated on the shelves, this time…

When I was very young and learning about world wars 1 and 2 etc., I remember being both astonished and frightened, very frightened, that they went on for 4 and 6 years. I couldn’t comprehend the enormity of it.

We are now in the 4th year of the current world war - since 2020 - against the peoples of the world. A living nightmare yet so many are still blind - or refuse to see - the ongoing evil.

I will not give up hope, though. I cannot and will not.

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May 19, 2023Liked by The Covid Physician

Remember, very early in 2020 the World was warned away from taking ibuprofen via the French Health Minister due to it supposedly worsening covid symptoms. Then that was quietly forgotten.

You really have to question any medicine that is either encouraged by them or which they warn us off and remove from the shelves.

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Well said. This war has a little way to go yet. I consider we follow a pattern after WW2 only 80 years ago making this 1943.



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May 19, 2023·edited May 20, 2023Liked by The Covid Physician

I feel for you. The psychological burden that you carry would have broken lesser souls such as mine. Much respect.

Andrew Bridgen must be made of stern stuff indeed, and he is crowdfunding a law suit against Matt Hancock. If we in the remaining resistance each threw in a quid or two then things might start happening sooner. https://democracythree.org/en-gb/en-gb/the_day_democracy_died_andrew_bridgen

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May 20, 2023Liked by The Covid Physician

Access to increasingly elusive GPs now appears to be sanctioned and controlled by a front line of officious receptionists intent on the deterrence of pesky patients: 2 friends have had to fight to receive in one instance, following a lengthy struggle both verbal and chronological, a telephone prescription for an ointment , on the other, a wait of a few weeks to be granted a telephone appointment for severe neck pain.

Receptionists are clerical staff, so why are they acting as human filtration units?

My surgery has only just lifted the mask mandate, despite a mountain of evidence proving that the horrible gags do not work.

It seems that we are rapidly heading for a medical version of the cheap labour now so popular with our leaders: receptionists, medical apprentices, zoom calls and ,coming soonAI/ChatGPT.

Covid derangement is still doing the rounds, more's the pity and supposedly intelligent people are still resorting to tests when what we used to call flu symptoms appear.

I despair and wonder now whether we can ever escape the grip of the various vested interests which are intent on the great lobotomisation.

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023Liked by The Covid Physician

I recognise & sympathise with everything that you have written.

One way that I have reconciled our position is to ask myself why I want to see a doctor in the first place? I have lost faith in the entire former profession - they have mostly revealed themselves to be no more than NHS employees on a certain job grade.

Instead, I talk to one of 3 ex staff nurses whom I know. They all quit when threatened with jab mandates & never went back. They are solid, competent sensible people & if I want to be 'triaged' or 'filtered' at least I have some trust in their judgement.

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May 20, 2023Liked by The Covid Physician

Agreed, I never go near them unless absolutely necessary, but the struggles of the 2 friends related in my first comment reveal just how messed up our great NHS now is.

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May 19, 2023Liked by The Covid Physician

I’m pretty sure the paracetamol shortage was due to panic buying by the public which overwhelmed our just-in-time supply chains.

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Not forgetting the dystopian shortage of toilet paper during covid … total totoiletarianism

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Many thanks for your article and the information. As regards Pholcodine it is neuro-toxic and quite frankly of little use anyway when one could use honey and lemon for example.

But of course it it is ridiculous to ban the speck in the big pharma eye whilst ignoring the wapping great sharpened plank of the vaccines harming and killing people.


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May 23, 2023Liked by The Covid Physician

Have hope. We are living through the dying embers of their attempt to 'reset'. Enough people refused to play along in the beginning and more are refusing every day. We now have national governments in the Global South sticking 2 fingers up at 'them'. It's like trying to turn a tanker in a canal - it takes a long time for the shift back round to complete but it is happening.

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