The Diary Of A Frank, Covid Physician, December 2019 - December 2024
Part 3: Fifty Shades of Covid Tyranny
Disunited Kingdom of Dystopia, Winter 2024. The Pandemic’ was officially declared ‘over’ May 2023
“ACCORDING to the testimony of all ages, no occupation is more unanimously declared to be a conjectural art than medicine; consequently none has less right to refuse a searching enquiry as to whether it is well founded than it, on which man's health, his most precious possession on earth, depends.
The results of my convictions are set forth in this book. It remains to be seen whether physicians, who mean to act honestly by their conscience and by their fellow-creatures, will continue to stick to the pernicious tissue of conjectures and caprice, or can open their eyes to the salutary truth.”
Organon of Medicine, Preface to the first edition, Leipzig, 1810,
Dr Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843)
Early Morning Warning Shot, April 2024
I suffered the recent ignominy of being shoved out of the doctor’s car parking space. My crime was arriving for work fractionally earlier than a colleague. A shout across vehicle, dripping in thick regional accent, ‘Can ya move ya car? I’m coming an’ a going, today. I’ve gorra do all the spring covid visits.’ My colleague was doing the rounds in the elderly care homes. It made me shudder and scuttle away. The colleague’s medicine had only the proven utility of earning money. In 2024, even Joe Bloggs knows such conduct is insane. Where are the mass-propagandised notions of ‘no pandemic’, ‘unconscionable risk’, and ‘natural immunity’ when they do not support the off-loading of the dangerous, unnecessary and unscrutinised pharmaceutical products of government contracts?
Pharmaceutical-Grade Military Censors
Could US intelligence service have really conspired with free speech censorship and international public health law, to propagate serial injections of gene technology into every man, woman, baby and child on the planet, under the false premise of a serious respiratory virus pandemic? Genuine academic, scientific and medical opinion, and research continues to convincingly maintain it did. The only pandemic of global seriousness by these analyses was that of merciless State propaganda, misinformation and a vicious censorship of reality. It was a pre-programmed, lockstep event with the intent of massive profit and the direct effect of loss of liberty, mass delusion and global iatrogenesis. The sophistication of which is matched by the scale of continued State denial of an open secret.
In the UK, there was combat level narrative control by our own military against us. Clearly, the most dangerous group to the 77th Brigade were doctors and scientists who know better than the State and the general population. Therefore, professionals and experts dissenting from the propaganda had to be aggressively persecuted, censored and removed from the equation of population perception management.
Big Tech recognises its overwhelming control over the global population consensus. Reality is either censored by, ‘Not on our corporate platform’, ‘hate speech’, ‘subjectively offensive’, or ‘misinformation’. At the best, an erratic lip-service to freedom of expression sometime prevails by shadow-banning, at the expense of a freedom of visibility of expression. In entirety, it amounts to unreasonable censorship of a healthy consensus on reality. In its place, Big Lies are laid, led by elite arrogance, armed with a compass of sociopathic immorality and engineered wokeness funded by our taxation. We pay for our cage.
Those with open, inquiring, libertarian minds are left unwelcome, ultimately financially and digitally cancelled under the tide of a technocratic tyranny. How is it that humanity and society can sink so low? It is inevitable when profit is put before merit. Why did the elite allow Covid to happen, when every real, factual imperative indicated the implausible covid narrative was disproportionate, dangerous and destructive to health, humanity and the Western democratic status quo? Perhaps, because it was.
“This provision [21 USC 360bbb-3(k)] and the entire structure of the EUA Countermeasures law uncovered by Katherine revealed how the US Government systematically removed all consumer safeguards for the products designated as military “countermeasures” under contrived, arbitrary, self-proclaimed conditions of “public health emergency”, and then lied to the public pretending that these were properly approved safe and effective pharmaceuticals.”
“Her writing provided the critical piece of the puzzle I was looking for: it explained how the criminal cartel, including actors in the US government, military, and private companies “legalized” and implemented the covid atrocity.”
Sasha Latypova, December 2024
2020, Publish or Perish versus Publish and Perish
The push to write publicly in summer 2020 was inspired by others. By John Iaonnidis et al (March 2020), Dr Zev Zelenko (March 2020), Professor Didier Raoult (April 2020), by Dr Mohammed Adil’s early, prescient criticism (11th May 2020) of government delusional propaganda. Dr Adil has now been struck from the UK medical register. By Attorney, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s pivotal and barn-storming video statement of spring 2020. Sadly, Dr. Feullmich is becoming the Assange of Covid having been imprisoned, without conviction. He has been on remand since 13 October 2023 and in isolation since 10 June 2024. By fellow GP, Dr Malcolm Kendrick (26th June 2020). At the time, his was the only other early public criticism I knew of covid policy by a working UK GP. Dr Claire Craig (9th September 2020), Dr Mike Yeadon (20th September 2020) and Dr Tess Lawrie (December 2020) and her group, British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BiRD) Panel which directed me toward further potential but suppressed generic therapies. All were officially vilified. All corroborated with my serious and quietly held real-life clinical concerns and observations.
My covid perspective, was of a holistic, working UK family physician, armed with real time, incoming medical data, access to hospital death notifications and the responsibility of writing certificates for deaths in the community. There was no way I could not know what was truly happening and not happening. If one also understood basic medical science, basic medical statistical method and the basis of the PCR tests the pandemic was predicated on, one was left professionally chilled by what worldwide governments were saying and not saying in unison. The online Worldometer kept winding up the PCR positive test-associated death toll like the US national debt.
My first essay of October 2020 amongst their solitary voices was another watershed moment for simple, honest concern. It was inspired not by courage but out of an existential necessity. Until then, and even now, I have not seen such a continuous, frank professional chronicle representative of the mind of an ethical, covid-questioning medical doctor in practice during the entire, extraordinary propaganda of the global covid regime.
I realised I had an unusual professional vantage point from where to integrate the various counter-narrative ideas. I saw no pandemic. I saw damage temporally related to covid gene technology and denial of access to healthcare, employment and the freedom to survive, wherever I worked in the world. Chilling does not come close to describing the feeling of the disconnect between what I knew, and what I did and did not see when compared with what the government impressed upon my patients.
Unsurprisingly, those colleagues who spoke out tended to be retired, or already struck-off from medical registers. Those who were still working and did the same were fired, disciplined and continue to be struck-off. I knew enough of life to know this would be my fate. Thus, I began to diary and then publish my truth, anonymously. It was my moral, ethical and professional duty to do so in the face of my patients being misinformed by those whom they are indoctrinated to trust. Thankfully, some heard me and were armed with useful information on which to make informed choices during covid.
I am grateful to those who published my early essays, and to the various platforms that re-published them. Certainly, by November 2020, Truth in the Timeline of Covid became ‘viral’ in a regime of extreme Ofcom and GMC censorship. It was, in its own way, a stone in a catapult to fight Goliath, when in 2020 only a handful of scientists and medics were speaking out. I can report that the tide is turning with grass-root patients. Many now see The Lie. Between words and consultations a healthy understanding can be achieved, whether the State likes it or not.
I began warning of the madness of the covid jab even before it appeared and was rolled out. Time has vindicated me. I do not believe any of my main concerns and points have been proven to be wrong by the passage of time. I wish they had. Even though my first essay seemed prescient to my naïve mind, it was not to the already-initiated such as Professor Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr Wolfgang Wodarg.
Mine was a story of a doctor attempting to give as many people the benefit of my clinical observations in real-time as the lockdown policies and covid gene therapies were irresponsibly disseminated. I had to balance this against the risk of being professionally destroyed by regulator over-reach. I considered I had an ethical duty to speak out while still remaining present for my patients, and to make known my simple, honest clinical observations at the heart of the NHS for posterity. My professional thoughts seemed to resonate with others’ secret concerns, contrary to a narrative that was intended by the State to be unquestionably, and unimpeachably perfect. This was the first red flag. Science and medicine never are. Dogma and cults are, always.
What struck me about the responses to me daring to voice my truth was how few doctors commented or followed suit, and conversely, also, how many laypeople did seem to come up for air, and commented with gratitude for some sort of doctor coming out to finally confirm what they felt in their bones but which was rendered unconscionable by the State.
17th December 2024, Australia. The reinstated victorious Dr William Bay, hero and victim of State persecution. He is a channel for many medical doctors. Meanwhile, 17th December 2024, UK, Dr Daniel Armstrong is struck off. If the comments below this article are representative of the public, the regulator of public confidence in the medical profession has itself lost public confidence. General Medical Council, or General Mission Creep? Reinstate all such doctors.
Robin Monotti summarises on his telegram channel
A Lived Experience of What Happened
I saw the covid narrative change from a postulated, severe, rampant killer respiratory syndrome, typified by ARDS secondary to microvascular pathology, with improbable R numbers and fatality rates. By January 2020, covid imperceptibly transmuted into an asymptomatic, non-fatal, non-specific phenomenon typified by no particular clinical symptom, sign, pathology, nor specific treatment. It was the perfect pretend Petri dish for EUA, CMA and MEGA-PROFIT. The diagnosis of this nondescript entity was misattributed to human, animal and inanimate objects by a flawed, false positive PCR testing procedure. The cause, said to be a virus, never seen at the scene of the diagnosis, never fundamentally in itself proven to materially exist or actually be harmful, but always presumed to be there and responsible via unreliable surrogate markers. Yet, it was said to be easily and consistently apprehended by homemade face cloths, and tamed at mealtimes, particularly in restaurants. A criminal court could not convict with such bad framing of a suspect.
The disproportionate draconian response to the hysteria remained commensurate to the urban myth and corporate profit. Individual professional clinical autonomy, and patient bodily autonomy was illegally outlawed by States. An unproven, improperly tested, toxic gene therapy was mandated. This enforced, unnecessary, global human experimental assault, intentionally or unintentionally, created a massive pandemic of fatal microvascular, macro-vascular, inflammatory and immunologically-driven pathologies the like of which the world had never seen.
Most medics transformed into unethical, obtuse State instruments, overnight, neglecting their professional duties. Imagine if fire fighters refused to attend house fires out of fear or government advice, and instead, danced; or soldiers the frontline. Nurses and medics were found in dereliction of their sacred duties. Somehow, the professions and the public accepted this. It was truly a delusional moment, where greedy, corrupted and incompetent government actors and narcissists rapidly indoctrinated their incorrect assertions and beliefs into the minds of public and professionals, alike.
Governments, public servants, scientists and healthcare workers sold inevitably unsafe injections with fear, but made adoption look cool, collective and compulsory. Even if, somewhere inside, they knew it was scam, shame-worthy to humanity, and dangerous to their own kith and kin. They strained the meaning of law and words until they meant the diametrically opposite, or nothing whatsoever at all. Until medical practice equated to a total political obedience to government and regulator.
The covid over-reaction viewed in the context of the geopolitical situation seems like a simple lever to threaten and coerce individuals and countries into sacrificing sovereignties, utilising the WHO and its tyrannical globalist constitution, the IHR, as a fulcrum. It can be no mere coincidence that soon as covid leverage was dropped as the global population cosh, Russophobia replaced it. No coincidence that China was funded and legislated by the USA to engage in gain-of-function experiments with coronaviruses, and Israel expands through Syria Palaestina toward Damascus. No mere coincidence that Pfizer held to ransom South American nation for toxic ‘vaccines’ in exchange for military bases as financial and legal collateral. There is a 2030 timetable to this globalist project and the implementers of it appear unwilling to wait.
Could it be that China was set up as the fall guy, with unlikely images of Chinese falling like timber in streets; that other focused chemical, radiation or bioweapons, rogue or not, created large clusters of ill health, and the rest of the pandemic was propped up by a wilful PCR test-demic, statistical manipulation and propaganda? China Virus, hydroxychloroquine, warp speed and Regeneron became Trump memes, and all while Chinese scientists wrote scientific papers enabling the WHO to frame an in silico culprit. Are all nations, by definition, mere patsies in the great game of conglomerate globalism? It is mind-boggling. That is the point of psychological operations. One’s head boggles more if the false pretext on which this mother of all psy-ops occurred happens to be one’s professional domain.
Apart from skullduggery, one must further contend with the possibility that not only traditional, flawed academic mathematical modelling was used in hyping the fear, but also that novel, amoral A.I. algorithms and data synthesis were employed by State entities in making extraordinarily unusual decisions to break from traditional pandemic wisdom. Wilful misattribution and disproportionate, fatal over-reaction fomented by an impulse for greed, control and a now, recurring political mantra of, to save you from death, we must end life. Never again must the world be duped by commercial and political tyrants.
The most clearcut and dangerous global pandemics of 2020 onwards were caused by the government-propagated lockdowns on life, and by the pharmaceutically-synthesised and healthcare system-injected, replicating toxin. The irony that a modern vaccine should be a toxic man-made virion is missed by most of the world.
Revolution after Convid?
We should be allowed to make our own choices and our own mistakes, untainted by overwhelming State misinformation. The problem in the phenomenon of covid is only the shackled mind of the covid cult was afforded liberty. Covidiots such as myself were not allowed even to be seen to be right. It is an unfortunate fact that many mass movements which think they share broad libertarian and human values selfishly deny that equal right of freedom, informed consent and bodily autonomy to others when confronted by the selfish urge to protect and pursue their own narrow agendas. Such is human nature towards others’ natural human freedoms.
Even now, the increasingly damning data, there from the start, is being ignored. One can be plucked out from 8 billion and persecuted endlessly but the State cannot transparently reveal copious research, excess mortality and morbidity data. Medical colleagues exist simultaneously in improbably parallel worlds where patients were dropping dead, coagulating, haemorrhaging, and miscarrying prematurely in unprecedented numbers, where the hyper-coagulating AZ jab was suicided from under their very noses, and ‘Long Covid’.
Yet, still they are to believe these Covid jabs are unimpeachably safe and effective. Read of consultant cardiologist, Dr Aseem Malhotra’s personal and professional torment by covid policy’s implementers and his evidenced stance against covid shots, here. Does it seem like Medical McCarthyism, yet? Malhotra is being pursued by anonymous doctors through the GMC and High Court, determined not to allow him have a contrary and equal right to free professional expression. Why the professional anonymity? It is not as if they are the victimised, oppressed minority.
It is becoming increasingly apparent in my medical practice that patients are more than ever, preternaturally and otherwise, falling prey to ischaemic heart disease, atherosclerotic, and thromboembolic disease, and falling prey to it again, and again. I have premature arrhythmias, CABGs, stents, re-stents, strokes, cancer, and dementias, notably including more vascular dementia, coming out of my patients’ ears. Married couples in their sixties arrive together, neither able to properly remember the details of why they are here to see me. It is unprecedented. Have prescriptions of dementia, anticoagulant and arrhythmia medications risen? We are compartmentalised from realising these trends. Covid has taught this is how the State clearly likes it to be. Again, my concerns continue to be vindicated by hushed official Pfizer reportage, with latest Pfizer leaks suggesting heart conditions in the covid jabbed worsening over time.
Often, medics make clinical medical and surgical decisions based on consensus dictated by the prevailing general medical culture, regional culture, or by time-honoured practices. Sometimes even on the science alone. In covid, the tested culture of respiratory infection and pandemic management was mutilated by enormous State propaganda and corporate interest; and the relevant scientific and epidemiological data was hidden, redacted or distorted. Clinical reality was ignored and confirmatory clinical tests were abused.
It is remarkable how my early, simple clinical observations, safety and ethical concerns were corroborated and continue to be by a tapestry of various academic research, figures from science and medicine, patients and their families. We have all independently and reluctantly had to come to the same, sane conclusion by different means that the official covid narrative continues to be wrong, and the covid gene therapy unnecessary, dangerous and ineffective. The remaining question is, was the death and global damage intentional? Was covid driven by greed, power and cover-up, alone? Or was it a conscious attempt to cull the human population and spirit?
Ultimately, a centralised world is a world at the total mercy of singular algorithmic tyranny. It is a world where national and bodily sovereignties are merely a globalist’s tools reinforced and undermined with equal brutality. Reinforced by supra-nationals to justify coerced conscription into certain damage and death with a misplaced, suicidal Nationalism. Equally undermined by the WHO to justify coerced global conscription into certain damage and death by covid gene injections. A tyranny which is pro-life when it is pro-profit and anti-health, and pro-killing when pre-natal and pre-death. The tyranny institutionalises perpetual conflict where perpetual cooperation is more easily attainable.
There is certainly something very wrong with the vaccination and virus narrative in the context of vaccines for viruses. When the State categorically states they are necessary, safe and effective, we now know categorically they are not. So, the State and the official science is specious and not to be trusted. A virology that it is based on shadows cast by surrogate markers presumed to be from a virus is not a science to be applied.
The science and medicine around disease thought to caused by viruses remains often speculative, damaging and ineffective. Take Bell’s palsy or shingles variously treated depending on the prevailing fashion with anti-virals, steroids or nothing at all, with similar outcomes. Both pathologies are now also ostensibly both caused and/or treated by anti-viral vaccines. Take cancer, once desperately wished by the CDC to be viral in aetiology, but now arguably also caused by anti-viral covid shots. Take HIV and AIDS, once treated with fatal anti-cancer chemotherapies, now with anti-retrovirals, while controversy continues as to what causes, and what actually is AIDS. Take T-VEC, ostensibly a modified herpes virus, being trialled to treat melanoma.
The more one probes, the more one feels virus vaccinology and catastrophic respiratory pandemics are misused as fables of convenience for the general population, by fear-mongering profiteers and control freaks.
A Frank Physician
Saturday June 20th 1942, “After May 1940 the good times were few and far between: first there was the war, then the capitulation and then the arrival of the Germans, which is when the trouble started for the Jews. Our freedom was severely restricted by a series of anti-Jewish decrees: Jews were required to wear a yellow star; Jews were required to turn in their bicycles; Jews were forbidden to use streetcars; Jews were forbidden to ride in cars, even their own; Jews were required to do their shopping between 3 and 5 P.M.; Jews were required to frequent only Jewish-owned barbershops and beauty parlours; Jews were forbidden to be out on the streets between 8 P.M. and 6 A.M.; Jews were forbidden to go to theatres, movies or any other forms of entertainment; Jews were forbidden to use swimming pools, tennis courts, hockey fields or any other athletic fields; Jews were forbidden to go rowing; Jews were forbidden to take part in any athletic activity in public; Jews were forbidden to sit in their gardens or those of their friends after 8 P.M.; Jews were forbidden to visit Christians in their homes; Jews were required to attend Jewish schools, etc[…]”
Excerpt from, The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne Frank
Picture a frank doctor suddenly trapped, hiding in a bio-fascist home country, with genocide being policed and implemented by her colleagues. The only thing she could safely too was secretly document it in her unpracticed style. This was me.
Replace war with pandemic, capitulation with Lockdown, German with Globalist tyrants and Jew with The Unvaccinated and The Locked-Down. Now, change the year to 2020. One has Covid. Jews were unforgivably mistreated as if they were infested or infestations, with the collusion of the German medical establishment. Those of us who did not bow to mandated toxins were also unforgivably and particularly mistreated, with the collusion of the global medical establishment. When the blitzkrieg reached France, my colleague’s un-jabbed daughter, out studying there for the year, was not even allowed in a shop to buy bread without showing a current negative PCR test. We had our means to subsist stolen. We were denigrated, denied and destroyed with the threat of unemployment, relocation and death.
Even the yellow star had a yellow sticker covid analogue. Those who wished to be allowed remaining human liberties had to sacrifice fundamental bodily freedom and comply with the bioweapon shot (it has been coherently defined as one by a legal scholar of them). Many of those were criminally maimed and died. Nobody cared. No authority will properly acknowledge it. We need it acknowledged. We need to draw parallels. We, too, need our voice, unbridled by affected outrage. Jewish news site, Forward, featured Anne Frank-covid comparisons, 6th April 2020.
Defamation and Mass-Killing
During the covid tyranny I learned about moral relativism, intersectionality and divide et impera. That politicians are the frontline workers of ignorance. About the weapon of subjective offence as a major sop in our conception of justice. One editor I encountered would not allow a comparison of Nazi instigated suppression and genocide with that of the covid-regime States, nor comparing our government to fascists, or bio-fascists. I felt such comparison was as relevant as the Nuremberg Code was to covid shots. Four years later, I was reminded of this censorship with the commencement of the Andrew Bridgen libel trial, as the opening arguments were made in June 2024:
5. Mr Bridgen remained concerned about the risks and side-effects of covid vaccination, and was investigating the evidence about them. At the end of 2022, he raised the matter in Parliament, including by way of an adjournment debate. On the morning of 11th January 2023, he tweeted out a link to an article suggesting a US study indicated links between vaccination and a range of serious adverse health effects. His tweet commented: ‘As one consultant cardiologist said to me this is the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust.’
6. At Prime Minister’s Questions later that day, Mr Hancock asked: Does the Prime Minister agree with me that the disgusting, antisemitic, anti-vax conspiracy theories that have been promulgated online this morning are not only deeply offensive, but anti-scientific and have no place in this House or in our wider society?
The Prime Minister replied: Can I join with my Rt Hon Friend in completely condemning those types of comments that we saw this morning in the strongest possible terms. Obviously, it is utterly unacceptable to make linkages and use language like that, …
7. Immediately afterwards, Mr Hancock tweeted out a video clip of that exchange, underneath the text:
The disgusting and dangerous anti-semitic, anti-vax, anti-scientific conspiracy theories spouted by a sitting MP this morning are unacceptable and have absolutely no place in our society.
This is the tweet of which Mr Bridgen complains in these proceedings.
8. Mr Bridgen had the Conservative whip removed as a result of his own tweet of that morning.
The judge found that Hancock’s rhetoric par excellence was not defamatory. The grammatical fact is Hancock, a sitting MP, attributed the property of anti-semitism to Bridgen’s concerns as if it were State-approved fact. It was fact enough to be parenthesised by Bridgen feeling the condemnation of some holocaust memorial and Jewish organisations, and losing the Conservative whip on 11.2.24.
The Holocaust Educational Trust at 1216 hours, 11.1.23 on X. It seems to me, if anyone was co-opting Holocaust symbols irresponsibly, it was Hancock.
It must be understood Hancock did not state Bridgen was anti-semitic, only what Bridgen said was so. Except Bridgen did not say it. He quoted somebody else saying something decidedly not anti-semitic. Bridgen’s quoted consultant cardiologist was in fact not even making a comparison with (nor co-opting) the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a marker in time, indicated by the word, ‘since’.
Bridgen’s act was not even a criticism of semitic-ness, it was a transmission of a doctor’s reasonable, thought-provoking statement about a terrible chapter of discrimination, ill-treatment, human medical experimentation and death in European history. It was not said they were the same or comparable. The reaction of subjective offence from Hancock to Bridgen seems lazy, opportunistic, highly irresponsible and wholly inappropriate. Almost child-like. But, it was too late: a political assassination by a thousand off-point cuts, parliamentary privilege and innuendoes had already been expertly executed.
The Prime Minister may even have been uncommonly and unintentionally correct in saying, “Obviously, it is utterly unacceptable to make linkages and use language like that…”. Was this more true of Hancock or Bridgen? Was Hancock hiding his covid crimes behind a trope of anti-semitism?
What makes this ploy seem worse is the push for jabs, lockdowns and a digital incarceration appeared particularly rabid in the State of Israel, against ordinary Jewish subjects. For those who remain viscerally offended by ‘linkages and use of language like that’, for balance, please read Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav’s testimony against covid policy.
Hancock’s particularly confusing brand of anti-semitism is borne by confusion from the off. For these days, Jews are anti-semitic, a critic of the political State of Israel may also be curiously anti-semitic. Indeed, Semites are anti-semitic. Despite the confusions, it is clear open dialogue is dead, in part due to the abuse and misappropriation of anti-semitic tropes amongst other -isms. It is as if one is gagged from preventing a present and future atrocity by the political appropriation and hijacking of a prior human atrocity.
What is it about covid, vaccines and semitism which made Hancock’s ruthless, incorrect deployment of these into one trident of spikes bonded by a handle of ‘conspiracy theory’ such an effective weapon to skewer Bridgen upon? Is it a triumvirate of sacred cows whose impeachment is tantamount to blasphemy? Are the popularised anti-definitions too broad or too uncertain to be reasonably engaged with? In life, what stands as truth often seems more visceral and self-interested than it is logical or reasonable.
There are, sadly, many mass human atrocities. Of Zoroastrians, Armenians, Yazidis, Native Americans, Aborigines, The Holocaust, The Holodomor, Stalin’s and Mao’s purges, The Spanish Inquisition. Of Covid vaccines and Covid lockdowns (perhaps at least 17 million and counting, beyond 31 million), of The Palestinians. Genocides for fear of genocide, in self-fulfilment of prophecy. All seem to have political tyrants fronting a mass movement permitting a State to kill subjects. To place one perceived atrocity alongside another in contemplation of the human horror seems reasonable and constructive.
Professor Haim Bresheeth, academic, arrestee of The Met & son of Holocaust survivors provides important counterpoint to Karen Pollock & Hancock. His case was referred to the CPS.
One only has to scratch the surface of Jewish history in the UK to see what the ‘othering’ of a group on the basis of a State-propagated myth can do. Blood libel led to the 12th century pogrom against and (yet another) expulsion of a people from these English shores, that time slurred as child killers. It was a ritualistic mass othering by propaganda and rumour-mongering. In the 14th Century it is said, having been massacred by Crusaders on their way to fight with the Ottomans, Jews were then accused of spreading the Plague by poisoning wells across Europe. Again, persecution and expulsion followed.
We were all in a sense othered by the elites of the State with the myths of pandemic. The industrial-scaled othering of the millions in the non-jabbed community occurring in the first part of the 2020s happened with the myth that we would kill the State-favoured and Pharma-protected Jabbed. Kill granny and little handicapped Johnny in his wheelchair. The truth maybe that State-Corporate complex is killing us all. There was an utterly irrational, deadly and vicious denial of freedoms, access to general life and healthcare for otherwise well people. Access being contingent on obedience to porous face cloths, fatal covid jabs and fallacious PCR testing.
The matter of Bridgen’s real, reasonable and realised concerns is not reasonably reducible to nation, race, religion, or nonsense, in the malicious, incorrect way Hancock reduced it. Bridgen’s concerns transcended these. What would the medical regulator do to his anonymous consultant cardiologist should it ever find him/her? Their concerns are for collective humanity being forced into a roulette of self-harm, and being denied the individual right to avoid it by the very States and fellow humans it trusts to protect it and its rights to bodily self-determination.
Most-persecuted and anti-semitic person of the year 2024, award-winning journalist Candace Owens. An extreme and unpleasant result of ambiguous anti-semite definitions which may lead to absurdities, and counter-productive outcomes for Jewish causes. @StopAntisemitism may be guilty of #StartingAntisemitism. This humiliation and shutting down by tarring with feathers happened to unlike-minded doctors. DEI should not be a one-sided coin, especially-weighted against traditional believers in DEUS. A reasonable, free discussion of the facts ought to suffice.
Unseasonal novel outbreaks and Changes to death certification
In spring 2024, amidst concerted attempts by the State and media to re-ignite Monkeypox scares. There seemed a correlation with Covid boosters and unusual, unseasonal novel outbreaks of whooping cough and scarlatina in adults and children during the month of May, with people randomly pulling out laid-off PCR Covid tests and testing positive for that, too. The obvious question not being addressed is, are covid boosters making the world iller? The insanity continues unabated elsewhere:
April 2024, an 80 year old is hospitalised by septic shock due to acute diarrhoea - diagnosed as campylobacter enteritis, but, because there is a surge of coughs her septic screen includes covid testing. She ends up also on paxlovid in spring 2024 - obliged by a clinically meaningless test done inopportunely and inappropriately. This is a veritable medical mess and morass of confusion.
In June 2024, another man, 82, may have had a mild CVA, he is admitted and diagnosed with a CVA. Incidentally, he tests positive for covid on the stroke ward. He is asymptomatic for respiratory tract infection, but that does not stop the doctors administering a dangerous statim shot-in-the-dark of Sotrovimab, trademarked, speculative, intravenous monoclonal antibodies. In a letter sent separately from the hospital discharge note, the hospital administrator explained, ‘Sotrovimab was given as per hospital policy’. Individual clinical care should not be corporate policy-driven. These are not the normal behaviours of physicians nor hospitals.
There is another twist, the patient’s daughter is a colleague. She is completely unaware the presumed antiviral biologic, Sotrovimab, was inappropriately administered. She is shaken, and remarks her parent has not been the same since that admission for a mild, non-infective, embolic CVA.
Later that year, the law that issuance of death certificates (MCCD) was only to be done by the last attending physician is changed. Now, ‘Any medical practitioner who has attended the deceased within their lifetime can complete an MCCD if they can establish the cause of death to the best of their knowledge and belief, and the death is not required to be notified to the coroner.’ There is a medical revolution afoot. Not knowing the patient during or proximate to the last illness leading to death inevitably blurs true knowledge, and the ethical imperative for precision in deciding the cause of death.
Another colleague knows of three recent, new diagnoses of profoundly rapid and disabling motor neurone disease, post-jab, locally. That is an abnormal rate. These are not likely by chance. Four years later, the suppressed immunological explanations follow the suppressed facts and the jabs. It is a warp-speed recipe for inflammation and immuno-tolerance with the potential results of ‘turbo-cancer’ and systemic autoimmune disease seeming to be realised.
"The Pfizer jabs are all full of SV40. SV40 was what we put into mice to make them grow tumors...and we’re putting this into humans.”
"These people behind Moderna and Pfizer are just pure, pure evil…and they must be held to account…”
Professor Angus Dalgleish, Oncologist
Picture all those elderly people in residential and nursing homes, swaddled in blankets on well-worn recliners and medical-grade mattresses. Too trusting, weak or out of touch to resist. Still wallowing in the reverberations of baby-boom hope from a post war Europe. They are the internet-deprived millions still accepting the covid jabs like one of those semi-transparent plastic beakers of lukewarm tea held tenderly at their supping lips.
The government will know of all this democidal iatrogenicity. A few clicks on NHS Big Data, to track contemporaneous blood counts, anticoagulant prescriptions, morbidity and mortality and other parameters, then overlay the rate of covid jabs, and covid policy and one will see the effect of the global attack by our Frankenstein States.
It was all so obvious to a mediocre doctor such as myself. Whilst I predicted and observed a slow car crash of medical incompetence and denial, most of my colleagues did not seem to acknowledge the madness, nor notice the patterns of covid jab complications. However, they cannot feign ignorance of basic medical ethics and safety. Those not accepting this alternative universe has any validity, please note the evidence continues to mount behind invisible information barricades. Take this, for instance, from the North Group, or this important scientific paper:
It is not public policy for governments and medical regulators to accept reality. “We call for an immediate halt of all RNA-based biologicals until these concerns are scientifically addressed and convincingly dispelled.” Link to full paper. If they are so safe, why has Biden’s parting shot been to extend the liability shield to Covid jab manufacturers until 2029?
Covid ideology weaponises collectivism. It will be weaponised further to remove everyone’s human bodily sovereignty and autonomy. The spike-injected will not be spared in the longer-term. Individual rights such as to work, to resources, food-independence, and bodily sovereignty have been eroded by covid dogma. So have national sovereignties. It is a supranational communism for the masses refined by elite fascist corporates.
It is a diverse, equal and inclusive attack on all groups. Not only Jews or errant doctors. It is an attack on traditional faiths, belief in fate, belief in self-determination. It promulgates a homogenisation of man, not diversity. It is communism via the back door of fascism. The covid saga delineates a definite food chain. All resources in the hands of a few elite, non-empathic entities. 99.9% forced to feed from a 0.1% digital hand. Forced to comply with genetic self-harm in order to subsist. A wall of digital bio-compliance is being erected between humans and their natural means to survive.
Our States move increasingly to subdue the masses by legislated censorship, wordplay and brainwashing subjects to narrow the space and spectrum of permissible speech and thought. It cripples meaningful human interaction. It is not the stuff of liberty or democracy. Can mankind fight such overwhelming tides when a portion of the overwhelming tide is mankind? We must not permit basic human decency and our freedoms to be taken away through fear, under a cultural anaesthesia of State propaganda and identity division.
30th December 2024, Dr Dave Rasnick and Michael Palmer, MD, gave their respective views on SARS-CoV-2 and its role in the "pandemic.” Dr Rasnick :
1. There is no evidence of a pandemic (i.e. COVID-19) in the USA in 2020. All-cause mortality in the USA was lower in 2020 than the previous 5 years.
2. There is no evidence that a virus known as SARS-CoV-2 was actually isolated from even 1 person with symptoms, nor even looked for in healthy controls. This is in spite of over 16-million unique sequences of SARS-CoV-2 reported to GISAID as of July 25, 2024.
Michael Palmer agrees with Dr Rasnick's first point, but not with the second. He provided the proof of the existence of SARS-COV-2 and its association with disease, starting at 13:30.
Final word: Dr Mike Yeadon, Former Chief Scientist and VP of Pfizer’s Allergy & Respiratory Unit. Video: source
31st December 2024
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Terms and conditions apply. The Covid Physician is no longer legally able to self-represent or self-identify as (still) an unheroic (NHS) medical doctor, as prescribed by law. Hence, please consider all current, past and future essays as parody, political commentary or as works of literary art by a non-medical non-doctor. These articles are artistic expression, should not be taken on trust, and certainly do not purport to necessarily represent the views of the medical profession nor the NHS. They are not at all intended to replace government health advice. Any patient details have been anonymised.
Dr. TCP tweets at @tcp_dr, Blogs here & Substacks here.
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Thank you as ever, for your eloquent comments. So many of us have had to suffer in silence these past 5 years, hoping for families and friends to acknowledge reality whilst realising they likely never will. I often feel like an 'emotional island', cut off from loved ones by the global tides of misinformation and harm that you describe. I hope one day those tides recede, the truth prevails and I am properly connected to them once more. Posts like yours help me cope with the emotional loneliness while I wait, likely in vain.
The preface to this excellent essay is attributed to Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, who understood the dangers of some conventional drugs more than 250 years ago. Truly safe and effective medicines cure patients but destroy profits. No wonder pharmaceutical companies have sought to destroy homeopathy ever since.