Thank you as ever, for your eloquent comments. So many of us have had to suffer in silence these past 5 years, hoping for families and friends to acknowledge reality whilst realising they likely never will. I often feel like an 'emotional island', cut off from loved ones by the global tides of misinformation and harm that you describe. I hope one day those tides recede, the truth prevails and I am properly connected to them once more. Posts like yours help me cope with the emotional loneliness while I wait, likely in vain.

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Me too. I cannot talk with majority, even ones damaged by jabs. Some are now realising, but many in denial. As well as vascular and memory probs mentioned, I am aware of disautonomia, partial paralysis from demyelation, several cancers, many clots, diabetes, new and complications, plus lesser serious constant infections, from chest, to bladder, to directly after surgery. All quite depressing, especially my friend, now with heart failure markers.

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The preface to this excellent essay is attributed to Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, who understood the dangers of some conventional drugs more than 250 years ago. Truly safe and effective medicines cure patients but destroy profits. No wonder pharmaceutical companies have sought to destroy homeopathy ever since.

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I have come to the conclusion that most doctors are ignorant, brainwashed idiots, or, self preserving accomplices to the tyranny of the state. Whilst a few stood up, spoke out, then paid the price, it amazes me that colleagues did not join them on ethical and moral grounds. If they'd done so, then none of the lockdowns, masking, tele doctoring, would have been implemented and SARSCov2, whatever it was, would have burned itself out (which it did until mass testing Autumn 2020) and we would have never had any awareness of any major illness occuring. The "covid" was brought in for the gene therapy injections, to save pharma, not people. Lockdowns, closing businesses, was to save the banks, funnelling money to them to support their dodgy deals. I wonder, do docs now have regrets from keeping schtum, seeing their patients suffering? Are any of them suffering adverse events? Will they ever acknowledge what they allowed to happen? Do they not realise where things are heading?

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If there are any doctors out there feeling regret (never mind regret, they should be feeling utter shame) the blood money which they continue to receive and accept for administering this poison somehow manages to mask their fake regret! How these bastards can look at themselves in the mirror knowing what they’ve done (and they know, they KNOW!) is beyond me! But justice will come, it will come and they will pay, possibly in a way that will destroy them completely, the sins of the father shall be visited on the son, or words to that affect! But what this article highlights for me is the fact that they, the “doctors”, will not be able to say they didn’t know, regardless of the rockerfella school of medicine method of teaching!

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It's a shame you didn't mention the two giants of modern medicine—Dr. Stefan Lanka and Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos. Papadopulos-Eleopulos's work is legendary, and one day, she will be granted the recognition she deserves.

I suggest everyone read her unrivaled paper demonstrating that there is no proof the HIV/AIDS virus exists. Of course, no viruses exist, but that is too much to conceive for a population brainwashed from birth to believe and incapable of any real independent and rational way of thinking.

Lanka explaining the fakery in part one of 'Pandemic Theater'. Part two was taken down. It predicated the Covaids psyop.


HIV – a virus like no other by The Perth Group


A complete take down of the HIV myth.

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Montonier even admitted he never isolated HIV on video.

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Thanks for correcting my spelling. Yes, him. He had a smirk on his face too, after all, didn't he get the Nobel prize for his "discovery?" Seems to me, these prizes are given out in order for "new" diseases to be found so that pharma can then invent new treatments.

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An excellent summary of the past few years of tyranny. Especially the geo-political comments towards the end.

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This article started very well. And then went on and on and on.

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"Married couples in their sixties arrive together, neither able to properly remember the details of why they are here to see me. It is unprecedented." WOW. I would love to hear more. I love anecdotes though I realize some "scientists" tend to dismiss them.

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A N Y — “F L U” …




!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! —

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5G might not have helped as well.

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I was in an NHS hospital A&E a couple of weeks ago. Whilst I was waiting, the hospital screen promoted "vaccines" for pregnant women - four! Whooping cough, flu, RSV and covid.

Since when was this normal safe medicine?

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- NOW HEAR T H I S …. ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱

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Well, that's rather tiresome.

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While I believe it’s essential to challenge accepted dogma, it’s also essential to agree to accept evidence (no matter how much one dislikes it). This entry is absolutely devoid of recognized evidence, and filled with innuendo, and false claims. Much of it reminds of the long festering claims about the origins of HIV, and the fostered claims about all aspects of the disease that have all essentially proved to untrue and or false. While I do agree that a lot was unknown with respect to COVID and its vaccine. This “Diary of a Frank…”essay is a scree of essentially unsupported claims, charges, and false associations.

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Perhaps you could highlight the false claims

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He went most wrong in quoting from the diary of Anne Franke which even the most disconnected must know by now was ghost written and paid for. It was a fraud and entirely fictional. Likewise making connections to the alleged holocaust which is as big a fabrication as covid and probably perpetrated by the same group is a shame. You need to be more specific mate. There was no sarscov2 or covid at all. No one died from it. It was entirely for the purpose of injecting people and for causing major disruptions and dislocations in peoples lives worldwide with all the consequences that would flow from that and which are still flowing.

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